Mountain bike je na skákanie,ziazdovanie,bicyklovanie sa ......
Tieto obrázky su len pre zabavu:D
tunák vydite pekný trik...
caute ludia v tomto clanku vam napisem ako si spraviť vlastnu BMX alebo MTB drahu. Ako prve potrebujete na to niaku rovinku z hliny , mala bi to bit niaka cistinka jednoducho dost miesta . Potom si niekde nakreslite ako ma vizerat vasa draha dajte niake skoky vybocky jednducho co vam napadne . A teraz mozeme zacať skoky sa robia bud s hliny alebo s dreva ,z hliny sa to tazsie a potrebujete aj k tomu vela pomci njlepsie je si postavit zobar drevenych skokanov ale ak chcete niaku mestsku drahu ako su v meste rozne botonove muriky a tak mozete dat aj zabradle aleb boxy su to jednoduche skatule ale davajte pozor ci sa nezlomia skuste na ne dat daco tazke abi ste vedeli ci su dobre . Ak už mame toto hotove musime to uz niekde len umiestnit na to nam pomoze ten plan co st si nakreslili . A teraz ked je uz vas draha tak este skuste niektore skoki zosilnit a potom SOM SUPERMAN . P.S:ak mate taku drahu mozete na nej hrat preteky za peniaze a rozne poduatia , a momochodom nie je to profesionalni plan tak som si ja robil drahu a uz som si na nej dost zarobil . Tak dovi zajtra vas caka dalsi clanok.SEWAS a dovtedy nezabudnite na moju stranku a povedzte o nej aj ostatnim nek mam vecsiu nastevnost..
dnes vam chcem napisať ako na niektoré tie triky (sice žiadne neviem ale pozeram tolko mtb a bmx filmov že už viem ako na niektore z nich) . Ako prve vam chcem napisať jeden taký "zakladný trik" na street style. Je to bunny hop je celkom lahky ale je to zaklad . A teraz k triku tlač obidvoma píštalmi na sedlo a skus s bicyklom viskočiť je to ináč lahké len musíš biť dostatočne vysoký aby si aspon mal kolená nad sedlom . Další trik čo vám chcem visvetliť sa vollá barspin ide o otčenie volantu 2 krat okolo vlastnej osi da sa to spraviť aj tak že vidvihnete predne koleso a tak volant skrútite radím túto variantu je lahšie a ktomu sa vám ľahšie točí volant . Ale pozor ak mate MTB alebo BMX-ku s klátikovými alebo kotúčovími brzdami musí aspon 1 kablik ísť cez volant a ostatné bi mali biť dlhšie ako na normálnom bicykli. a teraz vám chcem visvetliť jeden už "macher trik" ide o takzvané grindovanie je to akesi šmykanie po zabradlí alebo múriku viem znie to ťažko ale musiš vedieť ako na to začni radšej na malom múriku a teraz pozorne čítajte : najprv skoč na múrik tak že predné kolesobude na nom a zadne vedla neho ale musíš skočiť nan pedalom v tom je to tajomstvo ale dá sa to aj ak mas pegy alebo ako ich volam ja rurky . S pegmi je to ľahšie len vyskoč na múrik alebo zábradlie a klž sa po nom. A mimochodom ak to budete ovladať môžete aj trochu experimentovať a budeťe skúšať podobné triky ale do vtedy: trénuj , trénuj a ešte raz trénuj ! Tak do zajtra dovi.
Toto je konéc!
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Thank you very much for the invitation :). Best wishes.
PS: How are you?
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Stairs and fences made of glass, wood, metal
(Steven Inini, 7. 2. 2020 3:16)As a rule, having asked a question of installation of a ladder in the house, owners don't assume that the ladder and its protection are two absolutely different products. Well, if the same company, like us, is engaged in the arrangement of turnkey facilities and can offer to make a ladder and metal fences on it in one set, but in practice it is rare. Therefore, before any owner of the stairs in the house the question arises: how to make it safe, we guarantee the best conditions for cooperation thanks to our own production, high potential design office and focus on long-term mutually beneficial partnership. Here you can buy not only standard fencing for stairs, but also design, made to order and is amazingly cheap. New construction technologies, developing rapidly, allow to use light, modern, reliable and weightless structures. Stair railings made of stainless steel are such that the price thereof is acceptable. Railings made of reliable material: an important structural element, part of the design of the building, the guarantors of safety and easy descent and ascent the stairs. Protections for ladders which are offered by our company differ in reliability, resistance to various aggressive influences and faultless appearance. In addition, their manufacture takes into account all kinds of standards and requirements relevant to this group of products. It is difficult to imagine a building in which there will be no stair railings, the presence of which increases the convenience, safety when moving. Note that today for the manufacture of construction offers a large selection of elements with which it is possible to quickly perform the installation of the structure, which for many years will last without losing the original qualities. Manufacturing and installation of stainless steel stairs is inexpensive compared to designs from other materials with equal quality characteristics. However, stainless steel is much more popular material-it is easy to handle, combine with other materials, install and care for the finished product
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Interesting offer
(Jesse alery, 22. 4. 2019 13:33)As a rule, having asked a question of installation of a ladder in the house, owners don't assume that the ladder and its protection are two absolutely different products. Well, if the same company, like us, is engaged in the arrangement of turnkey facilities and can offer to make a ladder and metal fences on it in one set, but in practice it is rare. Therefore, before any owner of the stairs in the house the question arises: how to make it safe, we guarantee the best conditions for cooperation thanks to our own production, high potential design office and focus on long-term mutually beneficial partnership. Here you can buy not only standard fencing for stairs, but also design, made to order and is amazingly cheap. New construction technologies, developing rapidly, allow to use light, modern, reliable and weightless structures. Stair railings made of stainless steel are such that the price thereof is acceptable. Railings made of reliable material: an important structural element, part of the design of the building, the guarantors of safety and easy descent and ascent the stairs. Protections for ladders which are offered by our company differ in reliability, resistance to various aggressive influences and faultless appearance. In addition, their manufacture takes into account all kinds of standards and requirements relevant to this group of products. It is difficult to imagine a building in which there will be no stair railings, the presence of which increases the convenience, safety when moving. Note that today for the manufacture of construction offers a large selection of elements with which it is possible to quickly perform the installation of the structure, which for many years will last without losing the original qualities. Manufacturing and installation of stainless steel stairs is inexpensive compared to designs from other materials with equal quality characteristics. However, stainless steel is much more popular material-it is easy to handle, combine with other materials, install and care for the finished product
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(Areurerpasia, 12. 10. 2018 20:12)
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(Areurerpasia, 28. 9. 2018 10:58)
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(ALonoCorbBesee, 5. 7. 2018 20:52)
Pression arterielle est comment dur votre sang pousse contre les parois de vos arteres lorsque votre coeur essence pompe le sang. Arteres sont les tubes qui transportent prendre offre sang loin de votre coeur. Chaque set votre moelle bat, il pompe le sang par de vos arteres a la flanerie de votre corps.
(adoskolka, 6. 8. 2009 10:54)
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Thank you very much for the invitation
(MixRox, 5. 5. 2020 3:04)